Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This Post Brought To You By....

This post is being brought to you by the letter "U" as in "umbrella" as is "I wish I had an umbrella because I'm doing this at Starbucks and its pouring rain". Ok, enough whining time to move on to updates! I know that I haven't blogged in a few days but like I said in earlier posts my job has recently gone from being cut to being gone and I was using their Internet in my free time to blog. BUT all will be ok, I will get a better job soon (please keep your fingers crossed for me!).

It's been a pretty eventful week for me really and I feel like I've accomplished a lot. I move into my new place next week so this week I've arranged for a truck, a dolly, recruited friends to help move, had all my utilities moved over, and scheduled to have my carpet cleaned at the old place. Next week is the big move and I'm really excited to live that much closer to my mom and to have a chance to decorate a new place!

I've also been working on my goals this week! I've been to the gym at least every other day (I lost a pound), I went to the library and checked out some books on my list (halfway through one!), I made my handyman's gift and gave it to him, and I've bought the supplies to make my coasters and plan on working on them tonight. I also got a PERFECT Jello mold for the egg-shaped crayons I want to make (only .40 at the thrift store!) I started my team's "Light The Night" page and am ready to start fundraising, our goal is $1,000 this year (we only made $780 last year). Expect more posts about the "Light The Night" as it gets closer. 
 Here is the "gift basket" I made for my handyman for being so helpful at my old apartment. I wanted to do something more creative but ran out of time, so cookies in a toolbox it is!

 Jello Jiggler mold that I scored at the thrift store for only .40! This will be perfect for Ava's crayons!
I also found the coolest store I've ever been to! You all know I love a bargain and thrift shops are like my candy store, well, I found a CLEARANCE thrift store!! Apparently there is now a store where they try to sell things that they've had awhile before throwing it away and instead of pricing things one at a time they sell it by the POUND! 0-49 pounds is only 89 cents a pound! I didn't have much time to look because I had to go to work but my mom and I will be back soon. We only grabbed a few things but they were good things, a really cute Christmas basket that I will use for making a gift basket, a Disney Princess bowl I will put in my nieces Easter basket, and a pink feather boa my mom is putting my nieces Easter basket instead of Easter grass (it's just messy and gets thrown away anyway). Our grand total? 89 cents! We weren't even at a pound so we could have gotten more and not paid anymore but we we're in a hurry.
Super nice Christmas basket for gifts!
Cute bowl I'll put in Ava's Easter basket.
Well, that's all from me, but I'll update you guys more soon about how my coasters come out and how the move goes. I have to get out of this store before I yell at the people next to me, the one is trying to show the other how to use his camera by shooting off a MILLION pictures in my face with their SUPER bright flashbulb. Lucky for them I have my music to calm me down. Off to get some Starbucks to go and take a bubble bath!

And for your daily dose of adorable! Lola is such a good driver!

xoxoxo Amberlynn

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