Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sorry I've Been Gone!

Hey all! So once again it's taken me forever to update, but I've had a lot going on to tell you about. First and foremost I GOT A NEW JOB! I'll be working TV tech for the evening and late news a few days a week now! Sadly it's only around 20 hours a week but that's still better than nothing and it opens doors for moving up. I also think that now with this and my current production company job I can finally quit Applebee's (although I will miss hanging out with Chris at work). Today is my fist day in training and I'm really excited to be doing something in video again after a year and a half in radio (although I love everyone I work with at the radio, don't get me wrong).

I am also now in my new apartment and working really hard on keeping up my resolutions of making sure messes don't pile up. I did hours and hours of spring cleaning this past weekend and felt amazing about it! Today after training I'm going to finish up everything (I don't have a dishwasher at this new place so dishes are a constant battle) and relax in my nice clean place. I'm also staying on top of potty training the dogs, although they don't seem to want to use the litter box anymore, but I suppose going outside is even better for them to learn.

I'm still going to the YMCA, although sadly much less and need to step it up if I'm going to lose that 20 pounds by June. Luckily at my new apartment the Y is right down the street so I don't have to worry about driving forever to get there every night. I'm not sure what my current weight is but I will find out soon and let you know!

As far as my reading and craft goals I'm proud to say that I'm staying on top of it and I'm now in April and working on my handmade Easter basket treats and I'm also baking cakes and candies for Chris and our friend Paige (both for their birthday's). I'm on the wait list at the library for my book of the month this month, however if it takes too long I may have to skip to next month's book and come back to this one next month.

Chris and I are doing amazing and we actually are sticking with our “get out of town once a month” plan! Last month we spent a day trip at Yellow Springs ( a hippie type town not too far away). Although it wasn't very far away it felt amazing to get away for even a day! First we went to a farm called Young's Dairy where we pet animals, ate ice cream, played put put, went to the driving range, and did the batting cages. Next we drove to the state park but decided to go into town instead of getting out so we could go to the stores. We spent the evening shopping for handmade stuff, eating pizza, and enjoying each others company.

Although I still haven't found a full time job, or lost all my weight (two more months to go!) I'm very happy with my life right now and I'm looking forward to the warm weather and all of the amazing thing's summer is going to bring along with it! 

I love him

PS- I forgot to mention that I'm also putting more money down towards my debts and looking forward to a debt free and cash forward lifestyle!! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Is It Spring Yet?

Hello all! It's been almost a week since my last update BUT I now have a little time at a computer to let you all know what I've been up to! It's been pretty hectic lately with my losing my job and now trying to move into the new place, but overall I've been pretty happy with how things are going.

Today will be my last day moving since my lease at the old place ends tomorrow so I'm spending tonight working on it. The new place is SO exciting! I cant wait to decorate everything and make it a home for us to love. I've picked out colors for all of the rooms (grey in the bathroom, purple and steel in the bedroom, beige in the living room, and red in the kitchen). I also want to get a few decals to put words on the walls ("I have found the one whom my soul loves" for the bedroom etc etc). So far so good with moving and the dogs are taking it really well too! I'm working on litter box training them and keeping them from having accidents on the floor. I'm proud to say only one accident so far!

As far as my goals are going I'm kinda falling behind on some things due to the move. I haven't been to the gym in almost a week (but I plan to go tomorrow) and it's killing me! I also need to weigh in and see where I am. Chris bought a scale but I don't think it's right because it says I've lost 5 pounds! I did finish my book I wanted to read this month, start another book, start my craft project for the month (scrabble tile coasters), and started my "Light The Night" page (please donate even a dollar if you can) . After tonight once things are settled in I'm going grocery shopping and sticking to my meal plans every night. I also am still hoping to take Chris on a weekend road trip for his birthday and should have some extra money to put towards it.

My MAJOR goal now is to get one full time job. So far no luck but I am promising myself that I will have one soon and be able to relax and enjoy life more fully. At this point I would take any job that is on salary until I can find somethings I love.

Next week Chris is on spring break and we plan to take sometime to enjoy the nice weather we're supposed to be getting by spending a day at Yellow Springs and taking the dogs to the puppy park for a good long time. I went to Young's Dairy (a ice cream shop/dairy farm/petting zoo/mini golf/more) with my mom over the weekend and had a really great time so I can't wait to go back with Chris. They have the best ice cream, food, cheese curds, and more!

Young's Dairy!
Here are the things that I'd like to have done by the next time I update
-Be totally unpacked and start decorating by having the kitchen and bathroom painted.
-Keep dogs on track with litter box training
-Work out and weigh in (I now live down the street from the YMCA! By by long drive!)
-Grocery shop and stick with meal plans
-Finish second book and take them back to the library
-Finish my scrabble coasters and mail them to Colleen
-Have plans made for Chris's birthday (and a gift)
-Have all of my laundry done and wash new sheets
-But a slip cover for the new couch.

So there's what's going on with me now! What's new with you?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This Post Brought To You By....

This post is being brought to you by the letter "U" as in "umbrella" as is "I wish I had an umbrella because I'm doing this at Starbucks and its pouring rain". Ok, enough whining time to move on to updates! I know that I haven't blogged in a few days but like I said in earlier posts my job has recently gone from being cut to being gone and I was using their Internet in my free time to blog. BUT all will be ok, I will get a better job soon (please keep your fingers crossed for me!).

It's been a pretty eventful week for me really and I feel like I've accomplished a lot. I move into my new place next week so this week I've arranged for a truck, a dolly, recruited friends to help move, had all my utilities moved over, and scheduled to have my carpet cleaned at the old place. Next week is the big move and I'm really excited to live that much closer to my mom and to have a chance to decorate a new place!

I've also been working on my goals this week! I've been to the gym at least every other day (I lost a pound), I went to the library and checked out some books on my list (halfway through one!), I made my handyman's gift and gave it to him, and I've bought the supplies to make my coasters and plan on working on them tonight. I also got a PERFECT Jello mold for the egg-shaped crayons I want to make (only .40 at the thrift store!) I started my team's "Light The Night" page and am ready to start fundraising, our goal is $1,000 this year (we only made $780 last year). Expect more posts about the "Light The Night" as it gets closer. 
 Here is the "gift basket" I made for my handyman for being so helpful at my old apartment. I wanted to do something more creative but ran out of time, so cookies in a toolbox it is!

 Jello Jiggler mold that I scored at the thrift store for only .40! This will be perfect for Ava's crayons!
I also found the coolest store I've ever been to! You all know I love a bargain and thrift shops are like my candy store, well, I found a CLEARANCE thrift store!! Apparently there is now a store where they try to sell things that they've had awhile before throwing it away and instead of pricing things one at a time they sell it by the POUND! 0-49 pounds is only 89 cents a pound! I didn't have much time to look because I had to go to work but my mom and I will be back soon. We only grabbed a few things but they were good things, a really cute Christmas basket that I will use for making a gift basket, a Disney Princess bowl I will put in my nieces Easter basket, and a pink feather boa my mom is putting my nieces Easter basket instead of Easter grass (it's just messy and gets thrown away anyway). Our grand total? 89 cents! We weren't even at a pound so we could have gotten more and not paid anymore but we we're in a hurry.
Super nice Christmas basket for gifts!
Cute bowl I'll put in Ava's Easter basket.
Well, that's all from me, but I'll update you guys more soon about how my coasters come out and how the move goes. I have to get out of this store before I yell at the people next to me, the one is trying to show the other how to use his camera by shooting off a MILLION pictures in my face with their SUPER bright flashbulb. Lucky for them I have my music to calm me down. Off to get some Starbucks to go and take a bubble bath!

And for your daily dose of adorable! Lola is such a good driver!

xoxoxo Amberlynn

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Biggest Loser!

Tonight I am taking on a challenge to help motivate me with my weight loss. My two sisters, myself, and my friend Sarah are all competing against each other in our own "biggest loser" competition! We're each putting in $20 toward whoever loses the highest percentage of weight in two months. We've all recently joined the YMCA to help motivate  each other to succeed, yay! I'm feeling really good about things this week and trying to keep busy. I think working out is really helping me feel more peppy!

Yesterday I bought a "home manicure" set because I've been wanting to have pretty nails but I don't want to spend $20 every time I want them done. The kit was only $6.00 and I can use it like 50 times! I feel so girly and pretty! Last night Chris and I went out for his brother's girlfriend Sarah's birthday. It was a really fun night overall (maybe a LITTLE too much fun for having to wake up at 4:45am with a headache).

I've also come to the decision that when I move I will be litter training my dogs to avoid accidents or having to crate them when I'm not home. They're both really small and I think it will be good for them because it will give them the chance to go potty whenever they need to and not have to hold it till I'm home or wake up with them. I've also been pretty on top of my goals for this week (other than that darn laundry and packing!). I'll check back with you guys soon and let you know how things are going!

Oh hia! I is Jasper....pets me peas?

Financial Goals-Move $50 from debit into Chris and I's savings (I got a free $50 for signing up for ING!)-Dump spare change into our "penny jar"-Pay rent, car payment, new rent
-Extra money goes to pay off debt

Health Goals
-Eat breakfast more often (3 days in and still going strong!)
-Butt's and Gut's and Zumba at the YMCA 4-5 times this week (going tonight for the second time this week!)
-Nightly beauty regiment (only missed last night....see above's "too much fun" comment)
-More veggies and fruits this week (opps!)
-Look more into signing up for "warrior dash" (SOLD OUT! I'm so sad, I've decided to do a triathlon with my sister instead).

ECT Goals
-Put in as many job applications as possible (even had an interview this week! Should know more about it soon!)
-Pack (Not so good at that)
-Continue sorting out clothes to donate (In progress)
-Start "Light the Night" page (I keep forgetting)
-Request off moving days and get friends to help with large items

Monday, February 28, 2011


Only 16 more days until it's time for the new apartment! That means it's time to suck it up and....PACK....ew! Like most people who have ever moved I HATE packing. Because I spent 4 years in college I moved a lot from dorm to dorm, home for summer, new apartments, etc. One would imagine that after all of that moving I would be an expert, but alas no. So with packing in mind here is a quick update of my weekend/up coming goals for the week, and some pics.

Chris has been in a bowling league for about 50 weeks now and tomorrow is his second to last day so I decided to make cupcakes. I bought these cute little "finger bowling" games at The Party Store for $2 a set (I bought 4 sets) so I could put "pins" on top of the cupcakes. I set out to make 40 but ran out of batter after 36. I think they came out pretty cute, I can't wait to drop them off to the guys tomorrow!
Chris and I at the Party Store. Happy early Easter!

Now time to get to my "to-do" list for this week.

Financial Goals
-Move $50 from debit into Chris and I's savings (I got a free $50 for signing up for ING!)
-Dump spare change into our "penny jar"
-Pay rent, car payment, new rent
-Extra money goes to pay off debt

Health Goals
-Eat breakfast more often (Started off well today with a wheat bagel thing with reduced fat peanut butter!)
-Butt's and Gut's and Zumba at the YMCA 4-5 times this week
-Nightly beauty regiment (did pretty well on this last week)
-More veggies and fruits this week
-Look more into signing up for "warrior dash"

ECT Goals
-Put in as many job applications as possible
-Continue sorting out clothes to donate
-Start "Light the Night" page (I keep forgetting)
-Request off moving days and get friends to help with large items

I'm sure I have more things that have just slipped my mind but this is a good start for this week. I also forgot to post my "starting weight" that I found out last week. With a sigh I admit my "starting weight" is 137 pounds. Now I know this doesn't sound like a lot but keep in mind I am only 4 foot 11 inches tall. I can't wait to see the payoff and watch that number go down!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wedding Fun!

I just started a page just for wedding stuff, but I also thought I would posts the "newest" posts here for you to enjoy!

I have TONS of ideas for my wedding but not a lot purchased yet because I want to stick with buying things on clearance and at the best possible price. Chris trusts me to save money in the areas where we can DIY so we can splurge on stuff (custom Jones Soda bottles, a photo booth, etc). Here are pics of stuff I've already bought and posts about stuff I'm still looking for (there is a BUNCH more to list).

Stuff I Already Have...

Adorable little cake stands that I bought for out "candy bar" (.30 each)

"Collor Your Own" jewelry and picture frames for kids table (.10 per pack)

Favor bags for our "candy bar", complete with twist ties (.24 for 140)

My mom is also making "flower balls" to hang (I don't have a picture of hers yet) . They are SO cute and budget friendly.

What I'm Still Looking For...
Here is a quick list of things I'm still looking for and where I hope to find them and how I hope to use them.

-White Christmas lights to wrap in tulle and drape from the ceiling. I want to borrow these from family and buy at 90% off Christmas clearance there are always TONS left. I expect to spend no more than $10.00 on these (though I don't know how much the tulle will cost).
-White and pink candles for tables. Candles to put everywhere to set the tone. I would like to spend no more than $20 on these total.

Small Extra Items

-White flip flops (around 50 pairs). I'd like to have these in a cute bin for ladies to wear at the reception if their feet get tired and then take home with them. Old Navy usually clearances out flip flops to around .25 a pair at the VERY end of fall and mid-winter, that would make it a total of $12.50 for all 50 pairs! I'm also keeping my eyes open at other stores like Christmas Tree Shop and Target

-Crayons, coloring books, colored pencils, small toys, etc. I'd like to have these items for my children's tables to keep the kiddos amused. These items usually go on clearance around back-to-school time for about 5-10 cents a pack as door busters. I'm looking to spend no more than $20 on all toys and supplies for this table by keeping an eye out for after holiday clearance, off season stuff, and coupons.

-Vases and Candy for "candy bar". In place of favors we have decided to have a "candy bar" where people can fill their own bags with candy they like. I want to find vases and vintage jars/bowls at the thrift shops, and as they usually have 1/2 off at least once and week I'd like to spend no more than $15 on around 15-20 vases/jars/bowls. As far as the candy goes I will be buying it in bulk from a company my sister works with so I can choose only the colors I want (though I'll be keeping my eyes open for good store deals too). I'd like to spend no more than $50 on all of the candy.

-Bottled Water in Bin for the ceremony since it will be outside. I want to print custom labels. Not positive how much I'd like to spend on this since we don't have a final head out on the guests yet.

-Jones Soda Bottles as place settings. These are a HUGE splurge but I love love love the custom Jones Soda bottle idea with a cute black and white picture of us.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Checking In!

Halfway through the week now and time for a check in on how my goals are going. Just a quick post but wanted to keep holding myself responsible for accomplishing things (or not accomplishing them).

Financial Goals
-Deposit Cash into debit account
-Pay school loans
-Draft invoice for work and deposit paycheck (haven't gotten check yet to deposit)
-Visit YMCA to see about joining  (JOINED!)

Health Goals
-Eat breakfast at least 4 days this week (only once out of three days. Not the best start)
-Vitamins everyday (So far so good!)
-Stretch, beauty regiment, and relax with a good book (Epic fail on this one)
-Cook a healthy dinner (does sloppy Joe's count as healthy? No? Oops.Well at least I made broccoli)

ETC Goals
-Finish up on all laundry and put away (Halfway through!)
-Clean bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and living room   (Although I want to keep de-cluttering everyday)
-Donate clothing that no longer fits to make more closet room (Still haven't started. Hopefully tonight)
-Start "Light The Light" team page (Not started yet)

Tonight I plan to get the closet started, finish laundry, start the Light The Night page, go to Zumba, and keep up on my vitamins, beauty regiment, and relax with a good book. I also want to try to squeeze in going to the library if I have time. I'll let you know how it goes! And I promise to have some more interesting posts soon!

Monday, February 21, 2011

What A Rollercoaster!

SO, as of last count (Thursday) I had posted some goals and small steps for the weekend to kick start all my goals moving. WELL that sadly didn't go so well. On Thursday morning shortly after making that post I got some pretty upsetting news concerning my job (wont go into details, lets just say time for me to make a new start). Unfortunately that news threw a major wrench in my mood for the day and my goals took a backseat to my need to go home and cry in bed. Lucky for me I have an amazing boyfriend who picked me up (literally) and assured me things will always get better. And in the following days, it did!

After the bad start to the weekend things really did look up starting on Friday when I found out I got my new apartment! I can't wait to move and start saving TONS of money with my new lower rent! I worked two shifts this weekend at my restaurant job but other than that the rest of the weekend was pretty calm and easy, went to lunch with my friend and her boyfriend, and went shopping with Chris (only spent $10 because I bought Chris some Power Rangers PJ pants on clearance and bought an air freshener for my car).

All though I didn't get much done this weekend I did get SOME of my goals taken care of (the biggest being getting my new apartment! YAYS!)

                                    My beautiful niece Ava on a coaster at Kings Island last year.

-Deposit change jar into Chris and I's "spare change account".
-Deposit cash in the house into debit account
-2 loads of laundy  (including sheets)
-Quick sweep of clutter and trash
-Clean out leftovers in fridge

Time to set some new goals for THIS week! Here we go!

Financial Goals
-Deposit Cash into debit account
-Pay school loans
-Draft invoice for work and deposit paycheck
-Visit YMCA to see about joining

Health Goals
-Eat breakfast at least 4 days this week
-Vitamins everyday
-Strech, beauty regiment, and relax with a good book
-Cook a healthy dinner

ETC Goals
-Finish up on all laundry and put away
-Clean bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and livingroom
-Donate clothing that no longer fits to make more closet room (my new apartment dosn't have a walk in closet).
-Start "Light The Light" team page

SO, there are some goals for this week. I also have small things I'd like to do that aren't really worth listing. This week WILL be better than last!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Steps In The Right Direction...

Today I'm taking a few small steps in the right direction toward meeting my goals. I think the best way to stick with things it to take small steps, not big ones that are easily frustrating and quickly make me want to give up. I'll let you know soon how these steps go and how the next few days go, however I tend to stay away from my computer on the weekends so no promises of new posts till Monday.

Financial Steps
-Spend NO cash today, I have a full tank of gas and food in the fridge. No need to splurge today
-Deposit change jar into Chris and I's "spare change account". We set this up as a fun way to put aside some extra cash toward our wedding. There is a local bank in town that allows you to set up a savings account for only $5.00 and after you have joined you can use the "coinstar" in the bank for free and deposit the cash straight into your accout. Take that .10 cents on the dollar "coinstar" in Walmart!
-Deposit cash in the house into debit account

Health Goals
-Enjoy a healthy lunch of tuna on a bagel thin, yogurt, and fruit (SO hard to pass up the chips and dip)
-Zumba at the YMCA with my sisters and some extra ab, arm, and booty work
-Find out my actual "starting weight", but don't dwell on it or let it bring me down.
-Take all vitamins
-Strech, nightly beauty regiment, relax, and in bed at a good hour with a book

ETC Goals
-2 loads of laundy  (including sheets)
-Quick sweep of clutter and trash
-Clean out leftovers in fridge
-Go through tee shirts and donate ones that no longer fit or are unwanted

Time to hit the ground running and see how much I can get done today! I would really like to have all of my cleaning done before I hit the gym (class stars at 7:10) so I can come home and relax without having to worry about anything. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Gotta Have Goals!

Like I said the other day when I started this blog one of my main reasons for starting it is to make goals and stick to them. That being said, let's start listing! These are all pretty big and general but I will break them down into more detail in their own posts, but here's a start!

Financial Goals
-Pay off debts by focusing on paying them down one at a time
-Have at least 6 months savings in the bank
-Save money with cost cutting tips (coupons, clearance, etc)

Health Goals
-Lose 25 pounds by June/July in order to feel healthier
-Work out at least 3 times a week in a gym, class, or dvd
-Add one physical class or activity I enjoy to reduce stress and improve health
-Drink only diet soda (I know it would be better to give it up all together but I need some vices)
-Eat breakfast more often
-Eat healthier, more often, and in smaller quantities
-Attempt a half-marathon or race of some kind by the end of the year
-Get more sleep
-Cook more often at home.

Craft Goals
-Try a new craft at least once a month

Etc. Goals
-Relax and stress less
-Remove unnecessary stress's in my life, and don't be afraid to say "no"
-De-clutter the house every night and stop letting things pile up
-Keep up on laundry
-Get rid of un-needed clothes, books, etc. and give to goodwill
-Participate in "Light The Night" and "Operation Christmas Child"
-Participate in a charity type activity at lest once a month (other than giving blood, which Chris and I already do at least every other month).

More Valentines Day Goodies!

Yesterday I went to The Christmas Tree Shop and Target to check out post-Valentines Day sales (since I still had some people to shop for). To my surprise Christmas Tree Shop already had their Valentines Day items marked down by 90%! I only spent around $6.00 and I got four bags worth of items! I used these items to make a gift basket for my sister, my niece, my friend Becky, and also to brighten the day of some of my parents co-workers (I left treats on their desks for them to find the next morning). I also bought some items to save and use for my wedding, two cake stands, color your own kids crafts (to keep the kiddos entertained durring the reception) and cute favor bags. I will use these items on my "candy bar" at the wedding. Sadly later on when I went home I noticed that they did ring some of my items in wrong so I over-payed by around $2-$3 but I got such an amazing deal I don't mind the over site. I also went to Target, and although their markdowns were only 50% off I still picked up some items that I had picked out for my friend Becky back when they were full price. Total spent at both stores- $8.84.

Christmas Tree Shop-Cost Breakdown
Heart Vase- .90
Paint Your Own Set- .90
(2) Pink Cake Stands- .30 each
(2) Snowglobes- .25 each
(4) Roses- .12 each
Dog Shirt- .15
Cupcake Picture Frame- .05
(2) Candy Hearts Pot- .20 each
(2) Heart Tealight Holders (set of 3)- .20 each
Heart Picture Frame (set of 3)- .20
(2) Chocolates- .10 each
(7) Treat Bags- .10 each
(7) Color Your Own Sets- .10 each
TOTAL- $6.49

Hostess helping me sort out stuff.

 Hostess's new shirt! She's not a big fan of it.

Target- Cost Breakdown
Dinosaur Plates- .75
Doggy Window Clings- .99
Giraffe Chocolates- .50
TOTAL- $2.25

These I will use as favor bags for our "candy bar". They even come with ties to close them!

Gift basket for my siser Erica.

Christmas Tree Shop recipt

 Target recipt

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Here are some pictures of the Valentine’s Day treats I made!

This is a gift that I made for my step mom for being so kind and taking care of me when I was sick a few weeks ago and letting my stay over for a few nights. And the whole thing only cost me under $4.00!

Basket- .25 from the thrift store
Picture Frame- .50 from Christmas Tree Shop (1/2 all Valentine’s Day Items!)
Box of Chocolate- 50 from Christmas Tree Shop (1/2 all Valentine’s Day Items!)
Giant Diamond Ring- .8 from Christmas Tree Shop (SUPER clearance)
Burt's Bees- $1.50 from Target (bought on after Christmas clearance with a gift card)
Japanese Cherry Blossom Lotion- FREE, LuvBBW Club
Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Spray- FREE, LuvBBW Club
Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Wash- FREE, LuvBBW Club
White ribbon- FREE, I got it off a bag of candy I had been given earlier in the week
Body sponge- FREE, this is a re-gifted item (yes, I'm guilty) from a Christmas basket I'd been given. I have WAY too many of these so I thought I'd clear some clutter and share the wealth.

TOTAL COST- $3.55!

Here are two candy bouquets that I made for Chris, and the total cost for both was under $5.00!

Baskets- .50 each from Thrift Store
Stuffed Bear- $1.00 from Thrift Store
Box of Chocolates- .50 from Christmas Tree Shop (1/2 Valentine’s Day Stuff)
Decorations- $2.00 from Christmas Tree Shop
Misc. Chocolate Fillers- FREE with coupons from Christmas sales
Candy Bags/Bars- FREE with coupons

 TOTAL- $4.00!


Here are some treats that a baked for a woman at work's 40th birthday. I'm pretty proud of how they came out.

-Giant cupcake with a dark chocolate cake base and a white chocolatecake top.
-Milk chocolate cupcakes with chocolate candy centers and butter cream icing
-Dark chocolate cake truffles with chocolate gnash coating

This is just some pictures to tell you about how Chris and I saved big on our Valentine’s Day date. First we went out to Chilies for dinner where we got an appetizer, two entrees, and dessert all for $12 (that was the tip) after gift card that covered the meal and a coupon for a free dessert. Then we went to see Gnomeo and Juliet 3D for FREE with movie passes we had gotten for Christmas. While we were at the movie we had pop, candy, and popcorn all packed and brought from home. Without coupons, gift cards, and packing this night would have cost us well over $60.00. 


Hello everyone! Let me start out by introducing myself if I may. My name is Amber Lynn Hall, I'm 24 and I live in Ohio...See, don't you feel like you already know me? No? Ok, well here's a bit more then.

About Me

 I spent four lovely years at Ohio University where I studied Video Production and Theater and had the time of my life. Now I am 2 years out of college and working my way through life one mess and one success at a time. I have three jobs that take up most of my time (I work at a radio network, a production company, and a restaurant). BUT soon I hope to quit the restaurant gig (stay tuned for details). I have two sweet puppies named Lola and Hostess that brighten my day everyday. I also have a handsome boyfriend, Chris, who helps me hold it all together when I feel like I'm falling apart.

Hostess, Me, and Lola

Why I'm Doing This

I'm starting this blog as a way to inspire myself to follow through on my goals, and to have a way to remind myself when I do something I'm proud of. I've always been really good at setting goals...I'm also good at half finishing a project and then giving up. SO on that note, let's hit the ground running!